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How Important Is That Logo

Logo Design Illustration
Your logo reflects your business’s unique identity.  It’s the visual representation of your business for new customers, and existing customers alike.   Your logo should account for your business’s mission and goals.  Because association hammers a logo’s message, what words do you want to associate with your logo?  Additionally, don’t fall trap to a trendy logo; instead, think archetypal so that the logo will remain current over a course of decades.   Coke A Cola is an example of a logo that has stood the time test.  Once you’ve created your logo, you want to use it on everything.  This includes:

               Business cards,
               Gift cards,
               Credit card(s),
               Shopping bags,
               Retail products,
               Social media, and
               Everything else that contains your business name.

Moreover, your logo should be easy to reproduce in both color as well as black and white, and it should work well anywhere.  So how important is your logo?  It’s the symbol that represents your business, and the seed for all your marketing campaigns. 

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