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The Social Media Fan Pit

Social Media Likes Picture
For one thing, Social Media (SM) is not a popularity contest.  This means that businesses should not appraise their success solely on fan numbers.  What should your business measure then? Measure your business’s success in interactions.  You know all the likes, comments, shares, and retweets for those postings are what lead to new customers.  

A second thing is that SM is not about constantly posting promotional posts. Why?  Think about it from the consumer point of view.  If you’re a business and all you’re doing is pushing your deals, how can someone get a flavor for your real personality without reading interactions?  In fact, over posting promotions can actually harm your brand.  Now, this is not to say a business should abandon promotional postings in SM.  Instead, businesses should interact, provide leveraged insight, retweet, and encourage testimonials. 

The recipe for SM success is evenness.  SM is actually about treating others, as you would want to be treated.  Additionally, be sure to interact inside of other online social groups, and be your biggest advocate. This will teach you how to better interact along with posting better content for your own page that will build brand trust as well as generate fan interaction.

Need to improve your campaign strategies?  Contact me! I enjoy bringing online marketing goals to life.

Reference Source: 

The “Superfan” Experiment by Allison Howen, Associate Editor Website Magazine.  February 2013.

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